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Buyer's Guide for Health Foods

What are the good choices?

health foods

Conrad LeBeau

The last issue of this newsletter discussed just how contaminated America's meat supply is - with beef and pork topping the list of foods that damage the kidneys, pituitary gland, liver, and heart. The state of America's health is SAD based on the Standard American Diet. Over 10,000 people die of cancer each week, over 100 million of us are obese, have high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, and tens of millions of us are either diabetic or pre-diabetic. 90,000 people are currently waiting for kidney transplants. Millions go to their doctor every month and are told their blood-work is fine, yet they feel sickly.

Monsanto's patented GMO poisoned corn and soybeans (contaminated with the Bt pesticide and herbicides) are being fed to millions of cattle, swine, and 300 million Americans. With most meats also contaminated with antibiotics, and beef having added growth hormones, is there anything healthy left to eat?

Unfortunately, Obamacare will not undo the effects of our disease promoting contaminated food supply, especially the meat. If Congress had mandated that all foods shipped in interstate commerce had to be certified as "organic" by USDA standards within 5 years, the effects would have been transformational in preventing disease and lowering health care costs.

If food-based medicine is restored to its rightful legal status as it was in 1792 when our Constitution was ratified, and if foods that promote health are readily made available, then the use of patented drugs would drop precipitously as would health care costs. It is time to dethrone the big corporations that are continuing to control our choices and our lives.

What to look for in a label?

  • Certified Organic
  • Grassfed-(100%)
  • Free Range
  • Certified Non-GMO
  • Wild caught
  • Heirloom
  • No antibiotics,
  • No hormones,
  • No pesticides,
  • No herbicides,
  • No Aspartame
  • No Sucralose
  • No added liquid smoke flavoring
  • No nitrates, nitrites, sodium benzoate
  • No trans fats - choose mono-unsaturated fats like olive oil and high oleic sunflower or safflower oil.

[Note - some preservatives are beneficial and may be safely used in appropriate quantities. These include Vitamin C, Citric acid, Vinegar, and Celery juice, Sea Salt, BHT. EDTA, Ozone, H2O2. Pasteurization or the use of ultraviolet light can also safely disinfect fruit juices and foods of all types.]

Why buy Organic?

The word "organic" and "organic gardening" started being used in the 1940's to contrast natural methods of growing fruits and vegetables as compared with commercial methods promoted by large corporations that sold pesticides like DDT, insecticides, and commercial fertilizers made from petroleum.

Natural and organic methods of growing fruits and vegetables use decomposed plants, leaves, food, wood, brush, seaweed, manure, fish guts, and other natural materials to make compost as a source of humus and a rich source of natural nutrients to support healthy plant growth.

In the 1950's one writer had an immeasurable influence on the budding organic movement. He was Jerome I Rodale, editor of Prevention Magazine. He also published a companion magazine called "Organic Gardening and Farming." Together with other magazines like "Acres USA" published by Charles Walters, they were the foundational backbone of the organic movement. Today, organic food production is the fastest growing market in the United States, although organic sales represent only 4.5% of total food sales.

The trend of small organic farmers to market their produce directly to the public is becoming not only very popular, but also is profitable for small family farm businesses.

What does "Certified Organic" mean?

An organic certifying agent approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) does certification of organic farming. Certification is based on the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) of 1990. Regulations are written under Title 7, part 205 of the Code of Federal Regulations (1) Besides the United States, several nations also have laws governing organic farming practices including Canada, Australia, and China.
Where does a farmer obtain Organic Certification?

Information about how to obtain Organic Certification is available from the USDA at - the government's official website. This is the USDA's site for helping a farmer in locating an organic certifying agent in their state. The USDA reports that the actual cost of organic certification averages about $750 per farm.

What the USDA says about organic is the following-

Organic is a labeling term that indicates that the food or other agricultural product has been produced through approved methods that integrate cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering may not be used.

The land must be free from the use of synthetic fertilizers, synthetic pesticides and herbicides for 3 years prior to certification. Genetically modified crops and synthetic insecticides are prohibited. Organic farm animals may not be fed GMO corn, GM soybeans, or other GM grains. Natural methods of insect control are allowed. Natural pesticides must be biodegradable and not be on, or inside, the food product when it reaches market. Synthetic pesticides are not allowed.

Farm animals including cows, sheep, goats, and organic free-range poultry must have adequate access to grass and pastures. Strictly Confined Animal Feeding Operations, often used by large corporations, also known as CAFO's, are prohibited.

Foods claiming to be organic must not contain artificial additives, hormones, antibiotics, do not use chemicals for ripening (as in gassing bananas to make them ripen), irradiation (used for many spices), and genetically modified ingredients (GMOs).(1)

1. Wikipedia.

Grassfed beef, bison, sheep and goats

The term "grassfed" is not government regulated; However, the meaning is self-evident. The term "grassfed" should be used in conjunction with other labeling terms including - no antibiotics, no hormones, and no GMO grains were used in feeding. If the label says "100% grass fed, it adds to the credibility of the label. Without these additional disclaimers, the consumer will not know for certain the purity of the meat product they may be purchasing. "Non-GMO Verified" is very desirable to find on any label.

Free Range Chickens and Turkeys

Free Range is another term not regulated by the government. It usually refers to chickens that have access to pastures. It is important as it indicates the poultry was not from a CAFO. Free range does not mean 100% grass fed, so the label should indicate that no GMO grains like Monsanto's GM corn or soybeans were used in feeding. Non-GMO grains like oats, millet, sunflower, and flaxseeds can be fed to chickens and other poultry to produce a healthier and tastier bird. Flaxseed increases Omega 3 levels.

My dentist who lives in West Allis, WI, where I also reside, told me in August that the best tasting chicken he has ever had on a vacation was in Mexico, where the chickens spend time outdoors eating grass and bugs.

Non-GMO Project Verified


Honesty in labeling would require the labeling of GM foods so as not to mislead consumers. Big corporations like Monsanto want to withhold from the consumer information that could adversely affect their purchase choices.

The is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people find food products that have not been genetically modified. It has a non-gmo verification process for farmers, manufacturers and distributers of food products. The seal of the Non GMO Project Verified gives the public an assurance that no GMO ingredients are contained in the product that is being marketed.

The Non-GMO seal is very important when purchasing corn and soybeans due to the widespread use of Monsanto's GMO corn and soybeans that contains the twin poisons of Roundup herbicide and the Bt pesticide. The "Certified Organic" label eliminates the need for the NON-GMO label as GMO grains and feed cannot be fed to organically grown farm animals.

For more information, contact -

Non-GMO Project, 1200 Harris Avenue, Suite #305, Bellingham, WA 98225 877.358.9240

Fish - Wild Caught

Some items like fish in freshwater lakes and in the ocean or wild berries need not have organic certification, as the environment they come from is organic. While most fish is labeled when farm raised, the superior quality product is wild caught fish. There are some caveats, however.

Fish caught near large industrial centers and cities near large population centers may be contaminated with waste chemicals in the water. Fish caught off the coast of China and Japan; especially near the Fukushima nuclear reactors should be avoided as a precaution. Alaskan salmon should continue to be a good choice. All North Atlantic fish including cod and haddock are clean choices and especially fish caught off Iceland. Seafood from the South Atlantic Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean are good choices.

In North America, shrimp, crabs, and fish caught near the Mississippi delta in an area just south of New Orleans may be contaminated with chemical pollution from multiple sources upstream including farms and cites anywhere along the Mississippi River. However, lobster and other seafood from the New England area should be clean. Fish including Walleye from Lake Superior and other lakes in Canada would be very clean choices.

Heirloom vegetables, fruits, and grains are in big demand toady as a growing number of people have become informed about the health hazards of eating GMO foods. To avoid Franken-Phudes, people need food sources they can trust, certainly not foods that produce their own pesticides. If the public wanted to eat pesticides, they can go to their local hardware stores and buy some and then sprinkle it on their salads and burgers. Only crazy people would do that.

Greedy people in big corporations like Monsanto changed the name of the "Bt pesticide" in GM corn to "protectant." Only a naïve person would believe that changing a name would make a poison safer. Millions of people clearly reject dishonest labeling by the withholding of relevant information. The FDA continues to protect the bottom line of big corporations rather than the safety of the food the public consumes.

Why avoid food with antibiotics, hormones, chemical smoke flavoring, pesticides, herbicides, and nitrates?

The use of antibiotics in animal feed is to make them gain weight and increase their market value. A secondary purpose is to prevent infections in animals. E-coli is a problematic intestinal infection in cows, chickens, and other farm animals that can cause severe illness in humans. The CAFO (confined animal feeding operations) solution is to keep the animals caged and fatten them up for market, and then to solve the e-coli problem with antibiotics.

The FDA has acknowledged that most of the antibiotics used in the United States are fed to farm animals. Long term use and overuse of antibiotics in animals and people has lead to the development of antibiotic resistant bugs like MRESA (multi-drug resistant staphylococcus). Meat that arrives on store shelves with antibiotics in it contributes to yeast infections in people and drug resistant strains of bacteria like staphylococcus and e-coli for which there may be no known effective treatment.

What's in Your Burger or Big Mac?

Zilmax or Optaflexx? - Growth promoters fed to cows and pigs -Yum

Besides antibiotics, feedlots for adding hormones or growth promoters to the feed of cows and other farm animals for weight gain. In reality, the hormones don't fatten them up, but cause them to absorb more water - the weight gain in water is redeemable in dollars. The public is not told about what is in the meat they buy. Big corporations (Agri Businesses like Monsanto Dow Chemical and others) make large contributions to politicians in both parties as a wink and nod method of buying their silence on these important consumer issues.

On Aug 27th, 2013, The Irish Examiner (1) reported that Tyson Foods stopped using Zilmax, (a beta-agonist growth promoter) in their feedlots because of concern for the health of the animals. [It is an odd statement for Tyson Foods to make as the animals in feedlots are there for just a short time before slaughtered and sent to Supermarkets.] Why should Tyson Food care if the animals are healthy or not. After all, they are making money feeding Zilmax to feed lot cows. The public is never told about the growth hormones in the beef they buy.

Following on the heels of Tyson's announcement was a statement by Merck and Co suspending the sale of Zilmax. Why is Merck suspending the sale of Zilmax? After all, the FDA said Zilmax was safe to use like its competitor Optaflexx by Eli Lilly and Co. Optaflexx is another beta-agonist. Both drugs cause weight gain in cows of about 13 kg each.

The Irish Examiner (1) reported that suspension of Zilmax sales has caused a rush to buy Optaflexx (a competitive growth promoter) from Eli Lilly. According to The Irish Examiner -

"About 70% of cattle brought to slaughter in the US are fed beta-agonists, according to industry estimates. Merck's Zilmax was the dominant beta-agonist for US cattle feeders, and last week Merck disclosed it had about $159m (119m) in US sales of Zilmax last year. Tight supplies of Optaflexx could temporarily pinch beef production at some feedlots, said John Nalivka, an expert on livestock and president of Sterling Marketing Inc."

The story about Zilmax was also reported by Mike Adams of An unanswered question is if the drug Zilmax caused health problems in cows in feed lots, what ill health effects on humans are being caused by consuming meat with Zilmax or Optaflexx in it?

According to Martha Garcia in an article in, Aug 14, 2013, she stated that -

"Tyson said their decision came after cattle that had been given Zilmax were observed having difficulty walking and moving. The final decision was based on animal welfare, and not made for health concerns, reports the company. While they are not certain what causes the reported lameness, some experts point to ZilmaxŠZilmax is a popular beta-agonist, a class of drug used to add weight to cattle, pigs and turkey before slaughter."

1. The Irish Examiner Aug 27th 2013

Warnings from the website about Zilmax

"WARNINGS: Treated animals must not be slaughtered for use in food for at least four (4) days after the latest treatment with this drug. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal. Not for use in humans. Keep out of reach of children."

"HANDLER SAFETY WARNINGS: The active ingredient in Zilmax, is zilpaterol hydrochloride a beta2-adrenergic agonist. Not for use in humans. Individuals with cardiovascular disease should exercise special caution to avoid exposure to this medicated feed. An anti-dust process has been applied in order to greatly reduce inhalation risk. Extended handling tasks with the potential for dust generation requires respiratory protection. Wear appropriate skin protection (e.g., impervious gloves, apron, overalls) if there is potential for extended skin contact. Wear protective eyewear, if there is a potential for eye contact. If accidental eye contact occurs, immediately rinse with water and consult a physician. Operators should wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling."

The big question is - how do we know that workers in feedlots are following these instructions? How can we expect migrant Mexican workers, many who cannot read English to comply with these warnings?

USDA inspectors looking at meat won't know if Zilmax, or other Optaflexx is in the meat. It is highly probable that meat with Zilmax has reached supermarkets and the dinner table of millions of people. While Zilmax promotes heart disease as admitted in these warnings, there must be some newly discovered concerns besides cows getting wobbly why Merck pulled Zilmax off it the market. The full story is yet to be told.

With Zilmax gone, there is now a rush to fill the void with Optaflexx, made by Eli Lilly. Optaflexx is, like Zilmax, another beta-agonist, a class of drugs that causes weight gain in farm animals. The only reason to use these growth stimulants is to make more money for the owners of feedlots. Maybe it is time to think about becoming a vegetarian.

The Pulse Test - Are you allergic to genetically modified foods? Are they raising your pulse rate?

While big food corporations and Agri business hide the secret ingredients they place in the food fed to millions of Americans, they cannot hide their adverse effects from informed citizens. A person with unlimited funds can spend thousands of dollars on lots of very technical tests. A person with no money who listens to his own body can tell if a substance is having an adverse or toxic effect.

The Pulse Test is a simple test written about half a century ago. The original pulse test was to take you pulse at rest and write it down. Then you would eat one food at a time and wait 15 minutes, then take you pulse again. If the pulse rate increased more than 10 beats per minute, you can suspect you have a food sensitivity.

I recently tested the effects of commercial eggs vs. organic eggs on my pulse rate with interesting results. The starting pulse rate was 60. After eating two organic eggs, the rate increased slightly to 66 beats per minute. This small rate increase indicated little or no sensitivity. However, two days later, starting at a base pulse rate of 60, I ate two commercial eggs in a restaurant. My pulse rate then increased to 84 beats per minute. This was an increase of 24 beats per minute. This response indicates the presence of a toxic substance in the commercial eggs that was not in the organic eggs.

While the chickens that laid the organic eggs would not have been fed GMO corn and soybeans, the commercial chickens were most likely fed GMO corn or soybeans, and that could have left trace amounts of herbicides and Bt pesticide in the eggs.

I did this experiment because I already knew 4 years ago from self-testing that regular store eggs raised my blood pressure, so I have tried whenever possible to avoid them. I tried eating the organic eggs recently on the hunch that I might have a different reaction because they would be pure, and without the pesticides and herbicides that are in the commercial eggs. The results were a surprise.

I might caution here not to draw general conclusions from this one experiment. I don't expect Monsanto would fund a study feeding one group of people organic eggs and another group eggs from chickens fed Monsanto's GMO corn and soybeans to determine the effects on the pulse rate and blood pressure.

What is urgently needed is a group of independent scientists to conduct a controlled study to determine if eggs from chickens fed GM corn cause higher pulse rates and higher blood pressure than eggs from organic chickens. With over 100 million Americans with high blood pressure now, this study needs a fast track. Damage to the kidneys of S.D rats, as found by Seralini et al, last September could explain the rise in blood pressure and impaired kidney function in millions of people.

A recent article about using the pulse test to determine food sensitivity was written by J.C. Waterhouse Ph.D. (1), It is one of the most comprehensive articles I have seen. His method of testing involves tasting the food for two minutes and not swallowing it and then measuring the pulse rate to see if there is an increase. I highly recommend the article.

Here are some of the foods that cause common allergenic or sensitivity reactions according to Dr Waterhouse:

"The most common allergens in the diet include wheat, milk, cheese, beef, eggs, soy, corn, chocolate, peanuts, citrus, fermented foods, potato, tomato, shellfish, coffee, alcohol, food additives, pesticide residues, and aspartame. They may even be foods we crave." (1)

Some symptoms cited by Waterhouse are -

"headache, irritable bowel syndrome, fatigue, indigestion, ulcers, sinus symptoms, rashes, hyperactivity, irritability, depression, sleep disturbances, asthma, joint and muscle pain.


Determining food sensitivity by how they affect your sinuses

Several persons in the Milwaukee area who are experts at beer tasting have told me that drinking certain brands of domestic beer cause their sinuses to swell up or their nose to run. They claim to be able to drink imported German beer without this problem. One local person told me that he found out from his research that some domestic beer makers add casein, a milk protein, to beer to stabilize it by suppressing the beer's foaming properties. However, A beer that claims to be all natural with no additives may be a worth trying if you are a beer drinker.

The Smell and Taste Test

While organic foods often taste better, smelling a fruit or vegetable before you buy it may tell you a lot about its flavor on the inside. Store bought tomatoes are mostly devoid of flavor unlike tomatoes from a local farmers market. Tomatoes grown with petroleum based commercial fertilizer look pretty but are tasteless. What is missing are those trace elements and minerals and organic compounds in a healthy natural organic soil. The use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides also kill off the earthworms that are an essential part of organic farming.

I have found that most organic vegetables have a sweeter and richer flavor than their cheaper commercial counterparts. You really don't need salad dressing on an organic salad. If you use any, "a little dab will do yah." Organic meats are more flavorful, tender, and sweeter than their conventional counterparts. Organic free-range chickens don't need marinades to make them taste good. They are delicious as is.

A few Good Choices

Meats and Dairy-

  1. Bison or Buffalo meat (check out - a site for grassfed Bison from the Dakotas)
  2. Organic Free-range chicken
  3. Organic Turkey
  4. Organic beef or 100% grass fed beef.
  5. Organic pork.
  6. Organic eggs
  7. Cold processed whey protein.
  8. Raw milk cheese or organic yogurt from grassfed cows, goats or sheep. Aged stinky cheese, but not blue cheese (it's too moldy)


Wild caught fish - especially Alaskan Salmon or North Atlantic Salmon. Sockeye Salmon has the highest anti-oxidants. Walleye, Northern Pike, and other fish from Lake Superior or Canada or inland lakes not near farms or big cities. Avoid shrimp from the Gulf of Mexico - there are too many chemical pollutants in the delta form the Mississippi river. Avoid fish from China or Japan - too close to the polluted cities of China and the radiation leaking from the Fukushima Nuclear power plants.

Vegetarian Protein Sources

  • Quinoa - has every amino acid needed in the human body
  • Beans and lentils, Chickpeas and Hummus
  • Whole Grains, Buckwheat
  • Nuts and seeds (Sunflower seeds, Pine Nuts, Almonds. Brazil nuts and others)


All vegetables -especially fresh. Celery lowers blood pressure; squash, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Cultured vegetables like sauerkraut and vegetables (pickles, Greek olives, beets, cauliflower, mushrooms etc) marinated in vinegar support a healthy intestines.

Parsley stimulates kidney function and garlic kills most infections and strengthens the immune system and circulatory system.

Cayenne prevents and stops heart attacks safely. - stops bleeding as well.

Apple cider vinegar - raw and organic

Ginger root -fresh


Organic bananas, red bananas or plantains. Avoid commercial apples and pears as they may be contaminated with antibiotics. Organic apples, organic pears and organic applesauce. Other fresh fruits. Raw pineapple contains bromelain and aid digestion of proteins. Grapefruit, limes and lemons are less likely to have been exposed to pesticides than other sweeter fruits, but should still be washed before using.


Mrs. Dash, Spike and other herbal seasonings, Creole seasonings or Sea Salt

Bread - an Overview

Consider bread made with Spelt, an ancient grain with low levels of gluten in it. Consider a bread made with crushed or cracked grains instead of just flour. Avoid all "enriched flours" with added iron, reduced iron - synthetic forms that cause free radical formation damage the mucosal membranes and the liver. Avoid any food with (synthetic) B vitamins added unless they indicate a food-based source such as nutritional yeast.

Gluten-free breads - avoid gluten-free breads with eggs or soy in them, as these are common food allergens. Avoid bread and breakfast cereals fortified with iron or synthetic B vitamins. Avoid bread and crackers with flaxseed that have turned black. Black means the flax has been overheated and is damaged goods - it will do you more harm than good.

Bread and Cereal - good choices

Wasa Rye Crisp. (My favorite is sourdough rye crisp.)

Ak-Mak New England Brown Bread

Manitowoc Ovens -Oat Crunch Bread

Avoid all precooked boxed cereals. Try hot oatmeal, quinoa or cooked brown rice. Serve with unsweetened organic applesauce and homemade nut milk.


Bad Choices- tap water (too polluted), distilled water, or reverse osmosis - too acidic as they are mineral-depleted. The best choice is spring water or well water from deep inside a forested area not near any commercial farms or city-factories as both of these are major sources of chemical pollution.

Tart Cherries and Passion Fruit - The Deep Sleep Smoothie

It is made with Tart cherry juice and frozen passion fruit pulp. From my own experience I recommend making one about 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.

To a blender add these ingredients:

  • Add 6 or 8 ounces of tart Cherry Juice
  • 3 to 3.5 ounces of frozen Passion Fruit pulp
  • One ounce of cold processed whey protein or cottage cheese.
  • Honey or maple syrup to taste- optional.

Blend all ingredients for 1 minute and sip on it slowly about 2 to 3 hours before your bedtime. The passion flower (Passiflora) is a nervine that helps induce relaxation and sleep. The fruit itself is yellow in color and is tart. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can lower high blood pressure faster than most drugs. [Persons will low blood pressure should test small quantities or none at all]

Passion Fruit Pulp can be difficult to locate. The brand I buy is made by Goya, a provider of many products to Mexican American markets as well as health food stores. Their website is Locate a local store that sells the Goya products. If they do not have frozen Passion Fruit Pulp in stock you can ask to special order it. A 14 oz package costs about $2. Do not waste your money on fruit drinks that have a little bit of passion fruit added.

Dental Health - What happens in your mouth matters

An abscessed tooth can even kill you if not properly treated and removed

Conrad LeBeau

My personal story has to do with an abscess in a tooth that escaped detection for several months because the infection was at a low level. In July this year, I decided that the time was past due for a professional tooth cleaning. Normally, I would have this done once a year, but I realized that 3 years had passed since my last dental appointment. A coupon in a local newspaper to clean teeth for $39 was too hard to resist.

At the time of the appointment, the dental assistants x-rayed all me teeth and even my head, although I was a little nervous about that. Nothing of significance showed up. I mentioned that one of my teeth at or near the eye tooth on the upper left palate was bothering me. After looking at the x-rays and my teeth, the dentist stated he thought it was due to grinding of teeth while I slept. He proposed several expensive solutions for the problem along with 3 crowns for over $3000. I declined all of it as I didn't have dental insurance and Medicare does not pay for any dental work. I did have two fillings replaced.

In September, while I was dealing with my seasonal ragweed allergies, I thought I had a sinus infection and began self-treating for that condition. I gave up all milk products, especially ice cream that always made my sinus conditions worse. However, I had soreness that extended upward from my cheekbones to my sinuses. In spite of using oral hydrogen peroxide, every 4 hours, Oregamax, Neem leaf capsules, LDM-100, ozonated water, garlic and vinegar and grapefruit seed extract, I was not able to totally clear my discomfort. I was able to breathe through my nose so I began to wonder why this particular infection was odd. Unknown to me at the time was that I had a small abscessed-tooth near my eyetooth in the upper left quadrant. Late in September, I found that the infection in my mouth interfered with my sleep. I would sleep 2 or 3 hours then wake up and have a hard time getting back to sleep. My normal sleep herbs were not working as usual.

A friend who previously had several abscessed teeth over the years advised me to go back to the dentist and have him take a second look at those July ex-rays. In fact, he told me he had 7 root canals placed in his mouth due to abscessed teeth over a span of 30 years. He pointed to one of his teeth and said he had spent $10,000 on it.

In the last week of September, after I tapping on my teeth to locate the most sensitive area, I concluded that my problem was either with the eyetooth or the tooth on either side of it. As the condition in my mouth was now worse than it was in July when I had the dental cleaning, I returned to the same dentist and asked for a new set of x-rays for the 3 teeth under question.

The X-rays found the problem. Fortunately, it wasn't the eyetooth, it was the tooth to the right of it next to my two front teeth - it had a small area of infection at the base of the tooth. I was offered a root canal for $750 and a crown for $1300 - Total $2050. I asked the dentist how much to have it pulled. He said $169. I replied, pull it.

Within two days after the abscessed tooth was pulled, all my symptoms were gone and I could again get a decent night's sleep. Another friend told me they knew someone personally who had a badly infected abscessed tooth. By the time they pulled the diseased tooth, it was too late - the toxins from the abscess spread throughout his body and he died.

It is too bad that Medicare does not offer dental care under Part D that now only covers drugs, but neither does Obamacare. Dietary supplements should also be covered under Part D, but are not. Money talks and the politicians in both parties reward their political donors - Big Pharma.

Oct 1 2013 -Update on FDA v LeBeau (The 1st Amendment case about speech concerning the medicinal value of natural foods). We are in the 8th month since the last legal briefs were filed. There is no decision yet from US District Judge Charles Clevert who is reviewing the case. We are hoping for a decision by the end of this year (in December).

Printed copies of this newsletter are $2 each. Write to: Keep Hope Alive, PO Box 270041, West Allis, WI 53227 414-231-9817

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