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A to Z Health Conditions (56 listed)

Journal of Immunity (current and past issues starting in 1994)

Full Text Scientific Articles on Blackseed cures, GMOs, Sunlight and vitamin D, Obesity, Witch Hazel and other new topics


Money creation - from the Knight's Templars to Wall St

Keep Hope Alive Forum (22 articles)

Recipes for healthy living

List of Health Care practitioners

R. Peters MDMindBody Medicine - a series of articles by Dr. Ronald Peters MD


Naltrexone Case Reports

Immune Restoration Handbook, prayer books and San Damiano Holy Water

Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages from 1981 to the present time


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New - Video and Utube links

1. Music video from the Sixties. - This video was sent by my cousin John Forgette from California. It is the one of the best presentations of the sixties that I have seen online - created by It is very well done. Just click on the link, sit back and enjoy the memories. Great photos and music. If you're not quite old enough to have been there, feel free to pass it on to someone who is.

2. Philosophy for Growing Old- Spend a minute to view this slide presentation with 20 stunning photos and think about the messages in each photo. Done beautifully with a classical music background.

Note: Click on the arrow in the lower left of the scrren photo for the next image in the slide presentation.

3. Listen to this beautiful song of protest against the actions of a privileged few who abuse their power for personal gain. makana

World leaders at APEC listened to this inspirational song by Makana-
We are the many , not the few.


Send us an email with your suggestions for more Utube and video uploads.
